Bleary eyed and certainly not bushy-tailed, we arrived in
Queenstown on New Years Day. It was very different to Auckland, with poor
weather and cold temperatures helping to blow away the effects of an
all-nighter. The sheer numbers of our
Contingent meant that we were split across 7 flights throughout the day – the
first leaving at 7am and then every hour after that until 1pm. We spent the first day of 2013 based in the
Queenstown Ice Rink, which was our lunch hub and allowed Venturers to head out
into town.
It took a little longer than planned to check into the
accommodation as our rooms weren’t quite ready, but everyone was housed and
happy in the end. The patience and cooperation of the whole group after a
particularly long day was impressive.
After movies in both dining halls, it was off to bed to catch up on some
sleep and get ready for an action-packed few days!
The morning of the 2nd marked the first chance to
for Venturers to complete the optional activities, as well as the included
pursuits offered by the Contingent.
Unfortunately the weather remained poor, and for safety reasons a couple
of operators had to postpone activities to the following days.
All the activities were very well received. Venturers had the opportunity to do Parasailing
– being towed behind a boat 25m above the water; Mountain Biking – a day of
extreme tracks and offroading; White Water Rafting – down grade 3 and 4 rapids;
Jetboating – either the Shotover or Karawua Rivers; Nevis Swing – the biggest
swing in the world, with an arc of 320m in a 220m canyon. Others included the Treetop Zipline – flying
foxes slung amongst the forest and across canyons; Cruise – a 90min ride on
Queenstown’s Lake Wakatipu; and the Skyline Gondola and Luge – a cable car up
to the top of the mountain, and buggy style karting down it. The Rover-designed and Leader-run Amazing
Race also provided lots of challenges and entertainment, with two teams
collecting the prize of $200 per team, or $50 each!! As well as all the above extreme adrenaline
and adventure stunts, the Venturers were given free time to explore Queenstown
across all of the days, with the freedom of the unstructured sightseeing being
enjoyed by all the Venturers. Many took the
chance to check out other little activities and well as to stock up on

Regular Contingent meetings helped things run smoothly, and
kept everyone up to date with the day-to-day arrangements. Days were busy and fairly hectic, with kids
coming and going between activities both on and offsite. The weather improved dramatically on the 3rd,
and we woke to a cracking day and a dusting of snow from the previous
night. This meant postponed activities
could run, and the schedule tightened that little bit more! Movie and games each night provided a nice
social environment to cap off each day.
Our special group of 50 went off to Milford Sound on the
morning of the 4th, and had a spectacular day and night despite some
inclement weather. All were very
grateful of the chance to visit one of the true great natural wonders of the
world, and the photos are truly something.
It was awesome to see the reactions of all the Venturers as
they saw more and more of the city and its surrounds. The scenery and terrain is spectacular, and
presented an unique contrast with the rolling green hills of the North Island. Our accommodation at the ski lodges of
Reavers and Pinewood was nestled at the foot of rugged mountains and still only
5 mins walk from the centre of the city.
Queenstown has provided a sensational base for the Contingent to unpack,
wash and regroup.
It was also the ideal place to
receive our Non-Pretour Venturers, who arrived on two planes on the day of the
4th. Most of them had the chance to squeeze in a quick visit in town, before heading
off to our welcome event at the Queenstown Aquatic Centre. We all rotated between the pool and slides;
the grassy playing fields; and the indoor courts. While all were good, the most popular station
was dinner – which lived up to the promise as best meal of the trip. Served
straight onto massive tables, the crackling pork, roasted lamb and
jelly-bean-filled (Australian) pavlova went down a treat, and had all 500+
mouths quiet for once!! The extra 100
members fitted in seamlessly, and we were a much bigger happy family once
The morning of the 5th went incredibly smoothly,
with the contingent already briefed and ready to go the night before. All 534 members had their rooms checked, bags
loaded and were scanned onto one of 10 buses in under an hour, without so much
as a raised voice. Throw in the
collection of lost property and the distribution of snacks, and the
accommodation guys had never seen anything like it! From there it was off to the Venture site at
Riverton, with the three hour drive a mixture of wonder at the landscape and
the need to grab sleep at any chance.
Arrival at Riverton was smooth, with check-in completed fairly
quickly. From there the Venturers went straight off into
expedition groups, and all the excitement of Phase 1 of the Venture kicked in. It
is from there that we will continue in the next edition of Kusi and Rob's Venture South Blog!!!
Until then, as we say to the kids: have fun and behave!
Rob and Kusi